
Welcome to My Best Self Yet, LLC

Helping women stop measuring their worth by their pant size and start embracing their bodies with confidence.

I empower middle-aged, menopausal women to

transform their relationship with themselves and

break free from the judgmental cycle of diet culture,

so they can embrace their changing bodies with confidence.

Through supportive, empathic coaching,

I guide them towards transformative growth,

saying goodbye to the frustration of fitting into old jeans,

and hello to a journey of self-love and acceptance,

where the size of their pants no longer defines their worth.

Which one sounds like you?

“My body is changing and my jeans are tight around the waist now. I must start a new diet today.”

“I can’t go to my class reunion looking like this. They will think I have let myself go. I need to drop some weight so I look good in a nice dress.”

“I can’t wear/buy that shirt with the pop of color. I gotta stick to the basic black color as it makes me look thinner and not stand out.”

“When I drop the weight, I’ll be happy.”

“This is it. I’m dropping the weight for good!”

“I can’t be intimate with my husband. I have too much belly fat now.”

“I can’t be in pictures anymore. Not until I get rid of this double chin.”

Hear what other menopausal women, who were tired of being judged by the size of their pants and putting themselves on another unhealthy diet, have to say about my self-love group coaching program:

“I learned that I need to accept myself for the beautiful person she is, and to be grateful for the body I have because it has carried me through life.”

“This group coaching has left me with a peace of mind that I have never had before about myself. There are still days where the negative thoughts may pop up, but I have been given the tools on how to move past those.”

“My body has done so much for me in allowing me to get to where I am now, and it is time to treat it with the love that it has shown me.”

“My outlook on myself and life is allowing me to be more present in so many things I am now doing.”

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Self-care Tip #1: Ask yourself this question

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Episode 35: Binge Eating Disorder at Midlife with Teresa Schmitz Peace Meal

Episode description: Teresa Schmitz is the powerhouse coach behind mybestselfyet.com, a website and blog recently launched to help others define and become their best selves. She discovered her own best self while in recovery from a midlife eating disorder. Teresa joins us in this episode of Peace Meal to share her eating disorder experience, including the personal, professional, and age-related factors that complicated her relationship with food. She tells us how providers have focused on weight throughout her life, encouraging various diets and appetite suppressants with the sole aim of weight loss. Then, Teresa says, a diagnosis of binge eating disorder finally connected her to meaningful care and community support. Eating disorder recovery has helped her redefine her relationship with food and her body, nurture her sense of self outside of career accolades, and restore her physical, emotional, and mental health. Learn more about Teresa on her website and connect with her on Instagram. Learn more about The Emily Program online or by calling 1-888-364-5977. — About the podcast: Peace Meal is an Emily Program podcast that discusses topics related to eating disorders, body image issues, and how society may contribute to distorted thinking. You can find Peace Meal on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or Google Podcasts. If you enjoy our show, please rate, review, subscribe, or tell your friends! Are you interested in being a guest on Peace Meal? Email podcast@emilyprogram.com for more information.